We still can’t believe our CBC miniseries ‘Devout + Out’ was nominated in the Documentary & Factual category at the Banff World Media Festival’s 41st annual Rockie Awards International Program Competition. Although we did not win in our category, we are beyond grateful to have been considered!
We are proud to have been nominated alongside Sober House: A Sign of Change in Cree Nation and True Dating Stories (our fellow Canadian/CBC Gem titles), Insignificant (France), and Stonewall OutLoud (USA). To be considered in a festival that recognizes excellence in global television and digital content is an immense honour.
We want to share our thanks with everyone who worked on the project to make it a reality. Our incredible subjects, Pip Hamilton, Susan Beaver, and Cormac Culkeen: working with each of you was a blessing, thank you for opening up and allowing yourselves to be vulnerable with our team. Our directors: Alex Josselyn-Hamilton, Thirza Cuthland, and D.W. Waterson, thank you for your vision. To everyone who worked with us along the way: James Poremba, Laura Bower, Gus Harris, Stuart Maclean, Benny Harper, Sam Rodgers, Chris Russell, Bret Killoran, AJ McLaughlin, Devery Jacobs, Simone Smith, Baun Mah, Dane Kelly, Lindsay Bradford-Ewart, Ezra Bradford-Ewart, Anya Bradford-Ewart, Kris Hamilton, Clare Ryan, Tannis Atkinson, Zoe Hopkins, Samy Inayeh, Sarah Jackson, Habibi Film Rentals, Trinity Anglican Church, Woody’s and Sailor, Red King Photography, Valerie Fredricks, Richard Hamilton, Julia Gellert, Amarya Hamilton, Joey Philpott, Sheldon Mcintosh, Kyle Miller, Priyanka Love, Sean Bator, Natalia Hicks, Deb Whalen Blaze, Philip Tetro, Ryan Ramsden, Nathan OLanday, Kevin Lowe, Jen Galicinski, Sallyanne Hadzalic, St. John’s West Toronto, Rv. Samantha Caravan, Lesley Birchard and Clare Lee at CBC, Ron Hay (of Stohn Hay Cafazzo Dembroski Richmond LLP), Capsule Media, Above the Line Media Services, Inc., and Knox Hutchison Entertainment Insurance. Thank you for your support throughout each stage of this journey.
Bonus: Although the awards ceremony was held virtually, the entire team dressed up (for the first time in 3 months) to celebrate the occasion. Worth it!